Business Capacity Building and Training
In support of the U.S. Embassy’s Economic Development Efforts, OXUS Group successfully managed programs to identify, train, and develop Afghan business executives across various industry sectors, including – agribusiness, carpeting, construction, construction material, and mining to increase business capacity. The project’s objective was to increase business and corporate capacity, develop key business and ministerial relationships in their respective sectors, improve human resource procedures, capital infusion, supply-chain management, and open new domestic and international markets to Afghan executives.
Through an U.S.-Afghan economic development program, OXUS Group provided business capacity training and investment promotion services to over 85 senior executives of leading companies in Afghanistan. We worked closely with each Afghan executive to identify and expand their professional capabilities and commercial skills through strategic planning, marketing and participation in trade delegations.
OXUS Group offered strategic business planning and training seminars, capacity-building study tours, as well as individual counseling sessions for program participants. In total, the team provided 192 one-on-one counseling sessions, 300 business-to-business meetings, 16 structured training events, and led eight international study tours across the industry sectors to Japan, Singapore, Germany, India, UAE, and Turkey.